
July 14, 2024

  • Announcements 
    • Senior Friends will meet on Monday at 1 p.m., weather permitting. 
    • Women’s Bible Study will meet Wednesday at 6 p.m. 
    • Today is the last day to donate toilet paper for the Trafford/Level Green Food Bank. 
    • Information for the August issue of the newsletter is due this Wednesday. 
    • Pastor Justin will begin a new Bible study in September titled Being United Methodist Christians: Living a Life of Grace and Hope. A sign-up sheet is in the vestibule. Books will be ordered in August. 
    • McMasters UMC in Turtle Creek is sponsoring a Street Fair in the church parking lot on Saturday, July 27. Details are printed in the bulletin. 
    • Next Sunday is open for altar flowers. 
    • Condolences at the passing of Joan Hartley can be sent to her brother (John) and/or niece (Susan) at the addresses listed in the bulletin. 
  • 2023 Christmas Candy Fundraiser - Trinity is holding its semi-annual candy fundraiser. Orders of Sarris Candies are due in the church office by Sunday, November 19, 2023. Click Christmas 2023 for a copy of the order form. Make checks payable to Trinity UMC. You may also order online directly through Sarris Candies. Go to and enter group# 10-0582 when placing your order. …

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